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{| style="color:#000000;background-color:#ffffff;" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="3" border="0" bordercolor="#ffffff" width="65%" align="center"
!align="center"|[[The Team]]
!align="center"|[[The Project]]
{| style="color:#000000;background-color:#b5cde2;" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="3" border="0" bordercolor="#00FFFF" width="65%" align="center"
!align="center"|[[Human Practices]]
{| style="color:#000000;background-color:#b5cde2;" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="3" border="0" bordercolor="#00FFFF" width="65%" align="center"
!align="center"|[https://2012hs.igem.org/Team:Lethbridge_Canada Home]
!align="center"|[https://2012hs.igem.org/Team:Lethbridge_Canada/The_Team The Team]
!align="center"|[https://2012hs.igem.org/Team:Lethbridge_Canada/The_Project The Project]
!align="center"|[https://2012hs.igem.org/Team:Lethbridge_Canada/Results Results]
!align="center"|[https://2012hs.igem.org/Team:Lethbridge_Canada/Human_Practices Human Practices]
!align="center"|[https://2012hs.igem.org/Team:Lethbridge_Canada/Notebook Notebook]
!align="center"|[https://2012hs.igem.org/Team:Lethbridge_Canada/Safety Safety]
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| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac sem ante. Mauris in nulla vel purus iaculis cursus. Vestibulum porttitor sodales lectus, eu eleifend arcu mattis ac. Quisque cursus, odio in blandit placerat, leo libero venenatis tellus, a hendrerit lacus sem ac nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur imperdiet eros sit amet nulla aliquet gravida. Maecenas quis purus diam, eget porttitor risus. Curabitur dignissim eros a nisi interdum vitae sodales magna fringilla. Mauris et tortor non massa blandit cursus sit amet sed dolor. Fusce sed eros urna, sed cursus lectus.
| Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreatic beta cells that causes cell membranes to become more permeable to glucose. It helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body; more is secreted as more sugar enters the bloodstream after a meal is consumed. Insulin and glucagon (another pancreatic hormone that increases blood sugar levels) are partners in the negative feedback loop that control the body’s blood sugar concentration.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is characterized by abnormally high blood glucose concentrations.  Animal cells need glucose for energy, and these cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream with the help of insulin. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin so not enough is produced (type 1) or when the body’s cells become resistant to the action of insulin (type 2).
Our goal is to use the natural glucose detecting mechanism found in Escherichia coli and combine it with the human insulin producing gene to create a “prosthetic” pancreatic beta cell. The transcription of insulin will only begin when a change in glucose levels in the cell’s external environment stimulates a sensory transduction chain of events.There are two parts to our project:
1) Construct 1 focuses on the glucose sensing mechanism.
Suspendisse eleifend sagittis bibendum. Etiam sit amet ante eros. Pellentesque et lorem lacus, a ullamcorper nisl. Fusce hendrerit, leo ut pharetra rutrum, odio leo ultrices est, non pulvinar velit purus vel urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec gravida elementum libero ac interdum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque in felis elit. Nulla viverra nisi eget augue pellentesque laoreet. Nullam lorem ante, consectetur ut congue eget, lobortis at ligula. Fusce interdum molestie consectetur. Ut lectus est, lobortis ac imperdiet sit amet, varius eget orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla at nibh ut massa malesuada faucibus. Integer diam magna, commodo non iaculis id, tempor in tellus.
2) Construct 2 focuses on insulin production and release.
Duis feugiat commodo ultricies. Sed et elit quis nunc mattis elementum non id eros. Nam faucibus pharetra mauris ac laoreet. Nunc quis turpis nisi. Praesent convallis nibh ac nibh pulvinar vel pulvinar libero varius. Vivamus molestie, tellus eu iaculis sagittis, turpis massa consequat massa, in vestibulum dui enim commodo felis. Praesent non magna eget mauris aliquet facilisis hendrerit nec mi. Aliquam metus enim, luctus in egestas a, eleifend sed ligula. Etiam viverra libero eget tortor mollis et rhoncus enim consectetur. Suspendisse porttitor ipsum vel nibh blandit in volutpat augue accumsan. Nam odio arcu, aliquet vel malesuada tincidunt, tempor in sem. Pellentesque ipsum neque, scelerisque nec auctor quis, consequat sit amet leo. Praesent nec aliquam metus. Proin cursus odio nec magna dapibus eget accumsan nunc tempor. Suspendisse ac lacus dapibus augue ultrices gravida a vitae enim.
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Latest revision as of 01:10, 27 May 2012

Home The Team The Project Results Human Practices Notebook Safety


Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreatic beta cells that causes cell membranes to become more permeable to glucose. It helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body; more is secreted as more sugar enters the bloodstream after a meal is consumed. Insulin and glucagon (another pancreatic hormone that increases blood sugar levels) are partners in the negative feedback loop that control the body’s blood sugar concentration.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is characterized by abnormally high blood glucose concentrations. Animal cells need glucose for energy, and these cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream with the help of insulin. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin so not enough is produced (type 1) or when the body’s cells become resistant to the action of insulin (type 2).

Our goal is to use the natural glucose detecting mechanism found in Escherichia coli and combine it with the human insulin producing gene to create a “prosthetic” pancreatic beta cell. The transcription of insulin will only begin when a change in glucose levels in the cell’s external environment stimulates a sensory transduction chain of events.There are two parts to our project:

1) Construct 1 focuses on the glucose sensing mechanism.

2) Construct 2 focuses on insulin production and release.


Gold Sponsor: File:Iitbombaylogo.jpg Silver Sponsors: File:DSIR LOGO1.jpg

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