Calendar of Events


Revision as of 20:35, 28 March 2012 by Kitwa (Talk | contribs)

iGEM 2012 High School Calendar of Events

This is a list of dates that are important to the competition. These dates can be subject to change. You will be notified if for some reason there is a change.

Note: Dates in grey have not been finalized yet. Make sure to check the calendar periodically for any changes!

February 18 Team leader meeting in Facebook
February 29 Team registration closes
February DNA distribution kits sent to teams (rolling basis; as team is approved)
March 21 Team project descriptions due
May 30 Registration for Jamboree closes
May 30 Track selection due
Project abstracts due
Team rosters due
June 16 Wiki Freeze
June 16 Judging forms are due
June 30 iGEM Championship Jamboree, Greenfield Central High School, Greenfield, Indiana, US

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