Team:Heidelberg LSL/Sponsors


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<!--<p>Seit seiner Gründung im Jahre 2005 vernetzt der Verein der "Alumni des Heidelberger Life-Science Lab e.V" Mentoren, Teilnehmer und Ehemalige des 1999 gegründeten Life-Science Lab. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht neben der Förderung des Life-Science Lab unseren rund 300 Mitgliedern wissenschaftliche Akademien und Wochenendseminare zu verschiedenen Themen anzubieten und den Austausch zwischen Ehemaligen und Lab-Teilnehmern zu verstärken.</p>-->
<!--<p>Seit seiner Gründung im Jahre 2005 vernetzt der Verein der "Alumni des Heidelberger Life-Science Lab e.V" Mentoren, Teilnehmer und Ehemalige des 1999 gegründeten Life-Science Lab. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht neben der Förderung des Life-Science Lab unseren rund 300 Mitgliedern wissenschaftliche Akademien und Wochenendseminare zu verschiedenen Themen anzubieten und den Austausch zwischen Ehemaligen und Lab-Teilnehmern zu verstärken.</p>-->
<p>Since its foundation in 2005 the Association of the "Alumni des Heidelberger Life-Science Lab e.V." connects participating students, mentors and former participants of the Heidelberg Life-Science Lab. <br /> It is our task not only to promote and support the students during their activities but also to offer scientific Academies and Seminars to the 300 participants as well as to reinforce the exchange between Lab-participants and Alumni.</p>
<p>Since its foundation in 2005 the Association of the "Alumni des Heidelberger Life-Science Lab e.V." connects participating students, mentors and former participants of the Heidelberg Life-Science Lab. <br /> It is our task not only to promote and support the students during their activities but also to offer scientific Academies and Seminars to the 300 participants as well as to reinforce the exchange between Lab-participants and Alumni.</p>
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<h3>Freundeskreis Englisches Institut Heidelberg e.V.</h3>
<!--<p>Der Freundeskreis des Englischen Instituts was established in 1973 and is a community of parents, students, teachers and alumni supporting financially and materially educational live at the private hight-school Englisch Institute in Heidelberg. Mariam Harmouche is a member of the English Institue and is grateful to be sponsored by the Freundeskreis e.V which enables her to take part at the iGEM Jamboree in June 2012.</p>
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Revision as of 12:40, 16 June 2012

iGEM-2012HS - LSL-Heidelberg iGEM-2012HS - LSL-Heidelberg


We implement ideas into concepts and projects. We intervene, sponsor and arrange.
We look for young people with ideas, commitment and idealism and give impulses to support them.

Since its foundation in 2005 the Association of the "Alumni des Heidelberger Life-Science Lab e.V." connects participating students, mentors and former participants of the Heidelberg Life-Science Lab.
It is our task not only to promote and support the students during their activities but also to offer scientific Academies and Seminars to the 300 participants as well as to reinforce the exchange between Lab-participants and Alumni.