

Saturday, December 2011

The first fundraiser our team organized was a bake sale at a local sports complex. The Tyngsborough Sports Center was generous enough to allow us to set up a table one Saturday in December and we sold an assortment of homemade baked goods and ornaments. Since it was close to Christmas, our team had a meeting dedicated to making ornaments out of pipe cleaners which we dipped in (what was it again?) to crystallize them. The day of the fundraising, team members came in for their designated shifts throughout the day and we all brought different types of baked goods to sell as well. Making the ornaments was a fun team activity and we also had fun spending time together at our different shifts. Best of all, we made $300 for our team!

Friday, February 2012

The second fundraiser our team set up was to run the concession stand at one of the girl's varsity basketball game. Our principal kindly allowed us to sell pizza, candy, drinks, and once again, homemade baked goods, for the concessions at our High School's girl's varsity basketball game. We set up a table outside the gym and during the game, sold all of the food to make a profit of $250. Overall Tyngsborough High School had a successful night because our iGEM team was able to raise even more money, and the girls team won the

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